Shree Patidar Samaj, Dhatrod, Nagpur organized the Navratri festival as usual today during the second Navratri in the presence of Honorable Shri Devendra Fadalvisji, Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra state and enjoyed the Garba after receiving the blessings of Ma Ambe.
Shri Devendraji was welcomed by Shri Bhavanji Bhai Thakarani, President of Shri Patidar Samaj Dhatrod, after giving a bouquet of flowers and wearing the dupatta of Mataji.
He was given a notice by Mr. Patidar Samaj to take Prerna Express from Nagpur to Ahmedabad Tak to Kutch Bhuj Tak, in which he assured to make due efforts and give instructions to the Ministry of Railways to take the Tak ahead within a short time.
General Minister,
Kantibhai Chabhaiya
Shri Patidar Society